Data sourcing, acquisition and digital capture

Most areas have already been subject to some form of historical investigation that can help advance the current exploration efforts. Time spent identifying historical data can be extremely worthwhile, especially as many new mineral deposits have been directly and indirectly identified using old data.

Vato Consulting is extremely proficient at sourcing and acquiring historical data, and applying the required initiative and forensic approach to extract the relevant information. Vato also has close working relationships with several prominent geological libraries and the capabilities to digitally capture and integrate the extracted data as required.

Data compilation and interpretation

Data compilation and interpretation are essential parts of any mineral exploration program. They are fundamentally required to develop the technical understanding of the area being considered and typically completed iteratively throughout the project as additional data become available.

Vato Consulting is adept at the synthesis and interpretation of diverse datasets, including topographical, geological, geochemical, geophysical and remotely sensed data.

Mineral prospectivity mapping / area selection / target generation

One of the most important objectives of any exploration project is to identify the most prospective areas. This can occur at varying scales, ranging from regional assessments to select property-sized areas through to the identification of localised drilling targets. This process is formally referred to as mineral prospectivity mapping and can be data-driven and / or knowledge-driven depending on data availability and the understanding of the area being considered.

Vato Consulting is particularly proficient at mineral prospectivity mapping, the selection of prospective areas and the identification of localised targets. The keys to this proficiency include:

Database configuration and management

Data are considered to represent one of the most important aspects of any exploration project and the significance of having a high-quality (accurate, complete, consistent, current, etc.) datasets cannot be overstated. Data underlie all aspects of a project, with fundamental uses including technical understanding and high-level decision making.

Vato Consulting is very accomplished at configuring project databases and developing high-quality datasets. This is achieved by understanding the existing project requirements combined with experience and foresight.

Exploration program design and implementation

Designing and implementing a mineral exploration program can be a complex process that often involves numerous considerations, such as administrative responsibilities, exploration activities, logistics, field camp, personnel and equipment requirements, scheduling and budgetary constraints.

Vato Consulting is very experienced at designing and implementing exploration programs, including:

Geological mapping and prospecting

Many areas are covered by published geological mapping, but it is often temporally unsuitable or regional in nature and insufficiently detailed to meet project requirements.

Vato Consulting are experienced at remote and field-based geological mapping at varying scales, including:

Vato routinely integrates field observations and remotely sensed datasets (including satellite imagery and geophysical data) to produce the resultant mapping in digital and / or hardcopy formats.

Prospecting skills are enhanced by a thorough understanding of the type of mineral deposit being sought and familiarity with the direct and indirect characteristics that can be recognised in the field.

Geochemical sampling

Geochemical sampling of rock, soil, stream sediment, water, etc. represents one of the most widely used exploration methods to assess for the presence of mineralisation. Sampling typically involves program design, sample collection, preparation, analysis, result validation and interpretation, etc. with each stage requiring some critically important considerations. For example, what sample medium is appropriate for the geological setting and type of mineral deposit being sought? What geometric parameters are required to optimise the likelihood of identifying mineralisation? And, what analytical method is suitable?

Vato Consulting has extensive experience with geochemical sampling programs, ranging from regional soil and stream sediment sampling through to detailed drill-core sampling. Additional experience includes:

Ground geophysical surveying

Ground geophysics can provide a comparatively rapid and cost-effective means of obtaining subsurface data relating to mineralisation where the characteristics of the type of mineral deposit being sought are amenable to detection using geophysical methods.

Vato Consulting has successfully completed numerous ground magnetic and radiometric surveys to compliment other geological activities.

Drilling program management

Drilling is utilised to identify and delineate mineralisation at depth and typically represents the most expensive and critically important component of an exploration program. Because of this, it is essential that any drilling program is diligently designed and executed to achieve the required objective(s).

Vato Consulting has successfully managed many drilling programs in numerous countries, with experience including:

Developing mineral deposit models

Mineral deposit models describe the main characteristics of deposits and the geological environment in which they occur. Whilst they provide a very useful overview, they are inherently generalised and include characteristics that may not be applicable to an area of interest. This means they can be inappropriately used for prospectivity assessments and the direction of exploration activities, resulting in misleading results.

Vato Consulting routinely develops site-specific mineral deposit models by refining them using available data, field observations and geological experience. This process results in more accurate and reliable parameters that improve the likelihood of exploration success.

Project prospectivity evaluation

Some projects involve a consideration of other mineral properties as part of joint ventures or acquisitions. These scenarios typically require objective and thorough evaluations to assess their prospectivity and technical merit. This is usually achieved by a comprehensive review of all the available technical data, site visitation and potentially validation sampling to test the reproducibility of the reported results. Such an evaluation includes a consideration of a very wide range of factors, ultimately resulting in the sanction or rejection of the property.

Vato Consulting have successfully completed many diverse prospectivity evaluations in various countries.

Technical report writing

Many projects require the production of professional technical reports or presentations. These might comprise an objective independent geological report or presentation for promotional purposes, a stock exchange-compliant Competent Persons Report (“CPR”) to support a company listing, a press release or any other document that helps advance a project.

Whatever the reporting or presentation requirements, Vato Consulting is likely to be able to assist.

Producing "best-practice" procedures

Mineral exploration typically involves demanding and expensive fieldwork activities in remote locations where it is essential that activities are completed properly the first-time around. The production of "best-practice" procedures can improve the likelihood that this is achieved and also improve the quality and usability of the completed work.

Vato Consulting has produced a variety of Client-specific "best-practice" procedures that include field observations, geochemical sampling, result validation, core logging, GIS and data management, etc.

Geological training

Training can improve both personnel skills and the consistency of a team’s geological activities and observations. Vato Consulting is able to provide a variety of individual or group training, including:

Project support

Mineral projects often require technical and geological support for various reasons, with examples including project negotiations and for fund-raising purposes.

Vato Consulting can provide objective technical and geological support to facilitate your projects.